Monster Hunter - Movie Review
Monster Hunter - Movie Review Critics Score - 5 of 10 General Audience Score - 7 of 10 Monster Hunter Player Score - 8 of 10 Those who played Monster Hunter games will surely get a kick from seeing the theatrical counterpart. But will anyone not familiar with the game series be at all entertained? PROS - Monster Hunter is a sci-if action film from the collaborative duo of Milla Jovovich and Paul W.S. Anderson, the team that’s made countless Resident Evil films. Milla plays Artemis, an army officer who finds herself and crew transported to a land of monsters. The action is heavy and almost constant as she navigates her way through a world where everything’s sole focus is to murder her. The visual effects are quite fantastic, the CG monsters, fight sequences and landscapes are impeccably well crafted and look great. As Artemis explores this alternate world, references to the video game pop up frequently and add amusement to those familiar with the franchise. Fans of the series will enjoy...