The Gentlemen - Movie Review
The Gentlemen - Movie Review Critics Score - 7 of 10 General Audience Score - 8 of 10 Blackmail: the action, treated as a criminal offense, of demanding payment or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them. When you combine this concept with nefarious individuals capable of all types of heinous activities, you’ve got a recipe for some situations in which sparks, and probably some blood, will fly. In enters The Gentlemen, a movie that uses all the things previously mentioned to provide us with a fun, entertaining, if a bit muddled, story about some generally likable although clearly not very good men trying to outmaneuver each other for millions of dollars. Sadly a bit light on humor, we are spectators in the seats of an epic mental jousting tournament between these gentlemen with twist and turns aplenty as each side tries to get an upper hand in the game. The film is light in tone as well as stingy and casual wit...