Nobody - Movie Review
Nobody - Movie Review Critics Score - 8 of 10 General Audience Score - 8 of 10 As we move through this life, sometimes certain patterns develop, routines are created, monotony can set in and you can eventually feel like your in a rut. Your existence is trapped in a never ending cycle of dull and unproductive behavior and there doesn’t seem to be any way out. In walks Nobody, a film about one such individual that is stuck in a life of routine and monotony. Despite that premise, Nobody is a fast paced, brutally realistic action film that is a hell of a lot of fun and although a bit predictable, does do enough inventive and interesting things that make it enjoyable for almost anyone. While this film isn’t perfect, the tight one hour and thirty-two minute runtime helps this lean, mean, fighting machine stay focused and engaging. You may just be surprised how much fun you can have hanging out with Nobody. Right after the first scene of a badly beaten up Hutch (Bob Odenkirk), being asked by ...