Passing - Movie Review
Passing - Movie Review Critics Score - 7 of 10 General Audience Score - 6 of 10 Black and white movies are quite a peculiar specimen among the pantheon of films. While most movies from the early days of cinema were made that way as the standard of filmmaking, nowadays it’s generally considered to be more of an artistic choice and usually lines up with films critics fall all over themselves for as opposed to being loved by mainstream audiences. The new film Passing from Netflix is one such film that not only uses the black and white style, it’s also set in the early 1900’s and has the look and feel of films’ from that era. Some director’s decisions to lose the color makes sense while others leave you wondering why, but with Passing, the director Rebecca Hall’s choice is obvious. She tackles the issue of race, the term “passing” is used in the context of this film when light-skinned people of color try and pass themselves off as white. While the film succeeds at nailing the aesthetics of...