Deep Water - Movie Review

Deep Water - Movie Review Critics Score - 4 of 10 General Audience Score - 6 of 10 Back in the late 80’s and early 90’s, the term erotic thriller was introduced into the world of cinema. Fatal Attraction, Basic Instinct and at least fifteen Michael Douglas films brought in the audiences as viewers wanted sexy actors and actresses showing some skin combined with stylized filmmaking. But demand fell off and we only get a few of these films that would fall into this sub-genre these days. In steps Adrian Lyne with his latest film to try and revive the sex-fueled melodrama, debuting recently on Hulu is Deep Water. While the film’s tone and aesthetics work well, so many other aspects of the movie fall short. Ana De Armas plays the horny housewife well but Ben Affleck’s acting, while fine through the first act, turns into a one note performance by the end. Deep Water tries, as Justin Timberlake would say, “bringing sexy back. Them other boys don’t know how to act.” I bet Ben was one of them b...