Dr. Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness - Movie Review
Dr. Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness - Movie Review Critics Score - 7 of 10 General Audience Score - 8 of 10 Since the insane hype surrounding the Avengers Infinity War & Endgame movies from a few years back has died down, I’ve found myself far less enthralled with Marvel filmmaking. I still enjoy some aspects of these superhero movies, but I’ve been shaken out of Disney’s spell of enchantment that was over me. I’ve been freed from my need to see these films immediately, standing in lines and waiting in virtual queue’s to be among the first people on the planet to witness what Marvel secrets were waiting for the masses next. Doctor Strange was the first time I’d been in a theatre for a Marvel film since Endgame. After so many disappointing efforts last year from the studio, it was almost astounding how the direction of Sam Raimi is able to shine through the Marvel/Disney blanket that has stifled so many other unique directorial voices. Sam puts his propensity towards darkness a...