She Said - Movie Review

She Said - Movie Review Critics Score - 7 of 10 General Audience Score - 8 of 10 I feel like before I begin this review I must make a few things clear. Harvey Weinstein is a scumbag who deserves to be locked up and the key thrown into the ocean, along with any other men that use their power to prey on others. But my feelings on that type of men is completely separate from my efforts as a film critic to dissect a movie and critique it on how it works as a piece of art and entertainment. With that disclaimer aside, in just a couple weeks the new film She Said will drop into theatres, a movie about the journalists that helped to break open the case and reported the accusations against Harvey Weinstein that eventually and thankfully got him thrown in jail. While the lead performances from Kazan and Mulligan that play the journalists are perfectly serviceable, the movie just isn’t quite as good, especially when compared to other recent movies like Spotlight or Collective. Of course not only...