Tetris - Movie Review
Tetris - Movie Review Critics Score - 8 of 10 General Audience Score - 7 of 10 After the massive hits Pong and then Super Mario Bros. for the original Nintendo Entertainment System, the game Tetris took the video game world by storm in the late 1980’s. The game was as simple as it was addictive, it could be picked up and played within a few moments, and it sparked a sensation across the entire globe. Who knew that at the beginning of this video game there was a Soviet Union controlled company and a Cold War era controversy while companies and game developers tried to get their hands on the licenses to the hit bestseller before it was introduced to the public. The new film Tetris debuts on Apple+ on March 31st, it stars Taron Egerton as Henk Rogers, a businessman who saw the potential and went hardcore after the game, jeopardizing everything as he traveled into Russia during a time when foreigners weren’t exactly welcomed. While no doubt some of the events were sensationalized, a car ch...