I Saw The TV Glow - Movie Review
I Saw The TV Glow - Movie Review Critics Score - 7 of 10 General Audience Score - 5 of 10 Google a definition of the word reality, you’ll get #1 - “the world or state of things as they actually exist” and #2 - “the state or quality of having existence or substance”. But what makes something real? What actually exists? What percentage of people have to agree something is reality for it to be so? The new A24 film called I Saw The TV Glow attempts to discuss some of these topics, life, existence, our individual perception of reality. Reality states the earth is round, but certain people believe the earth is flat. And five hundred years ago, everyone held that belief. So what was their reality? I was raised in a religious cult, whose members believe that the end of the world will come soon and they live their lives in preparation for this belief. This is not reality, probably not for you, not for me anymore, but for the people that carry these beliefs, they live their lives preparing for t...